A crypto to save the planet

Hello everyone! We're seeing nowadays cryptos exploding almost everywhere with different posibilities of becoming profitable.

But also, there is some space for social projects in the crypto world. That's why I'm talking today about GreendBond Meter, a crypto currency sustained in the Ethereum network for traceabilty and backed up in Blockchain technology.

The purpose of Green Bond meter is purchasing one square meter of woods in tropical forests and prevent it from being destructed. It also generate carbon bonds after one year.

I believe this kind of projects might have a lot of use in the future, specially if we're thinking about the great impact crypto currencies are having over the biosphere specially for the amount of energy it's being used to sustain the whole system. I'll leave a link with some data and proper sources here: https://simon.medium.com/bitcoin-and-pollution-the-definitive-answer-a010b0826f2a

So, investing in cryptos that have a ecological approach might help mitigating the damage we know we're doing. After all, we need a planet to live in while still mining.

This system is developed by Heimdall Technologies and Nideport SA and are currently protecting a forest area in Argentina, but they are planning to spread over a dozen of countries.

But here is the link so you can search yourselves: https://gbmcoin.io/faqs

Do you know any other green initiatives in cryptos?

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