Dogecoin Buy, wallets, exchange rate and a complete overview of the currency - The funniest and most appreciated joke in history?

The currency symbol for DogeCoin is DOGE. Today, there are about 128 billion coins circulating in circulation, with about 5.2 trillion new coins joining the circulation each year.


About every minute a new block is created in the block chain, and the reward for each block is 10,000 new coins.


The all-time high of the currency reached $ 0.084 following the currency going viral among social media leaders such as Tiktok, Twitter, YouTube and other social networks. For example this entertaining video which reached almost 3 million views in less than ten days

Unlike most coins launched in the digital currency market, DOGE had no initial coin issuance and the first coins to go into circulation came through coin mining by the coin's founders, who rented through one of their personal gaming computers.


DogeCoin was introduced in 2013 by Billy Marcus - then a software engineer at IBM, and Jackson Palmer - an engineer at Adobe, as a joke. The joke was about all the currencies rising non-stop one after another their market value reaches large and ridiculous numbers.


The coin's founders used Doge's famous meme, in which a 'Return is not Japanese' dog can be seen as the symbol and mascot of the new digital coin. Rumors of the new currency spread quickly around the internet thanks to a huge marketing campaign using the famous meme with the dog image and using various variations of poor English such as "Lots to Buy", "So Much Currency", "Wow So Dog" and more .

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