Snap AI Chatbot Under Investigation by UK Data Protection Regulator

The UK's Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) has launched an investigation into Snap's AI chatbot, "My AI," over concerns about teen privacy. The ICO is concerned that the chatbot may be collecting and using personal data from teenagers in a way that is not compliant with data protection laws.


The ICO's investigation will focus on a number of areas, including:


How Snap collects and uses personal data from users of My AI.

Whether Snap is adequately informed and parental consent is obtained for the collection and use of personal data from teenagers.

Whether Snap is taking appropriate steps to protect the privacy and security of personal data.


The ICO's investigation is still in its early stages, and it is not yet clear what findings will be made. However, the investigation could lead to Snap being fined or having to take steps to improve its data protection practices.


The ICO's investigation is a reminder of the importance of protecting the privacy of teenagers online. Teenagers are particularly vulnerable to privacy risks, as they are more likely to share personal information online and may be less aware of the risks involved.


Parents should talk to their teenagers about the importance of protecting their privacy online and should help them to understand the risks involved in sharing personal information. Teenagers should also be aware of the privacy settings on social media platforms and other websites and should take steps to protect their privacy.


What parents can do to protect their teenagers' privacy online

Talk to your teenagers about the importance of protecting their privacy online.

Help them to understand the risks involved in sharing personal information.

Review the privacy settings on their social media accounts and other websites.

Encourage them to use strong passwords and to change them regularly.

Be aware of the signs of cyberbullying and what to do if your teenager is being cyberbullied.



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